By Kure Clinic
Some pains don’t give any gains. Yes, you heard it right. The nagging pain, a feeling of heaviness, numbness, tingling and whatnot, when it comes to neck pain.
Acute or short-term pain is usually not worrisome but needs to be looked at to prevent any serious conditions later. Acute cases of neck pain could be due to overwork of neck and head musculature. We refer acute cases that resolve within a week or two. If the symptoms or pain persists for more than three months, it is classified as chronic neck pain.
Neck pain or cervicalgia can be divided into two broad classes based on the areas they envelop.
Axial pain
Most of the symptoms and pain remain localized to the neck and immediate surrounding structures ( periscapular or shoulder region) and do not involve dysfunction of the arms, hands, fingers, or other body regions.
As the name suggests, this type of pain ‘radiates’ along the course of the nerve. It could be shooting down the arms or up to your head. Radicular pain is often a result of irritation or compression of the nerve root. You could experience sensations of pins and needles often called tingling down your arms.
Neck pain is a multifactorial problem. Some conditions are the primary causes of neck pain whereas some conditions are secondary causes of suffering from neck pain.
Usually, people who have weak neck muscles are more prone to get neck pain. It is because of this reason, they assume faulty postures quickly and experience early fatigue due to low strength.
Moreover, some occupations that require prolonged sitting like desk jobs, could lead to tensed neck muscles due to awkward positioning of shoulders, arms, and head.
A high incidence of neck pain is reported in the female population as compared to the male counterparts.
Additionally, age plays a significant role in studying the prevalence of neck pain. The most burdened age groups are 45–49 and 50–54 for men and women, respectively.
Usually, the main evil of neck pain is weak neck muscles. Also, faulty posture is a secondary reason for neck pain. Here comes the role of your physiotherapist and chiropractor.
Physiotherapy forms the necessary treatment option for treating kyphotic deformity. A typical physiotherapy session with us will cover proper assessment including observation of your posture, palpation, and diagnostic tests that will further clarify the current picture of your deformity. A physiotherapist can help in decreasing faulty curves through proper education about posture, and ergonomic advice.
We enhance your physiotherapy session with proper diagnostic chiropractic techniques. Chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive (non-surgical) option that helps to improvise the faulty joint play between spinal structures. Your chiropractor would help to realign your malalignments in the spinal column. With some techniques, called motion and static palpation, we will evaluate you for the joint play between your spinal joints, tenderness, and tightness. Chiropractic treatment can help you overcome and get rid of all your pain by alleviating inflammation and pain, optimizing joint ranges, and reducing muscular spasms.
Give yourself a favour, and book an appointment at a physiotherapy clinic in Noida/Vaishali.
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